art mornings and art evenings
These are introductory art sessions: do join us to explore different media in an inspiring studio space!
Monday evening 7-8.30pm
15th April – 24th June 2024
Tuesday morning 10-11.30am
16th April – 25th June 2024
Places are limited and booking essential!
Are you curious but uncertain?
Both sessions offer an “introductory studio space” in which you can try out for yourself, to experience what it’s like being in a shared and open art studio. You can join at any time, if there is a space, and beginners are most welcome.
Each month, different art media will be introduced (watercolours, pastels, black and white materials, oil paints, acrylic paints, clay sculpture, etc.), and we will have a short reflective time together at the end of the session.
£15 per session, £10 for the first session as a taster; all art materials are included and no previous artistic experience is required.
For further information and to book your place please, contact Hisako on 07955 556478 or via email
c/o Unit 2, Block 2, Fromehall Mill – Lodgemore Lane, Stroud GL5 3EH